Our Communities.

Community Togetherness
Open Spaces help promote community togetherness and involvement.
We understand the incredible influence green spaces can have on a community, and so this is why we regularly meet with our residents onsite to discuss ways in which we can improve and enhance the open spaces to benefit the community and their needs.
Community Events
Holding community events on the open spaces.
We welcome and actively encourage our residents to hold events on in open spaces, ensuring that the necessary consent has been obtained.
Please get in touch with the team to discuss how we can support your community events and projects.

Bringing Communities Together.
Below are some of the activities and events we have held on our Open Spaces to help bring the community together and support their local wildlife.
Vegetable Growing, following the creation of designated allotments
Native shrub & flower planting, in line with the Landscape Management Plan
Native tree & hedge planting, in line with the Landscape Management Plan
Creation & enhancement of Wildflower Meadows
Creation & enhancement of Living Walls
Bird & Bat Box Making Activity
Bird Feeder Making Activity